Wednesday, March 2, 2011

An Open Question to Republicans About Illegal Immigration

The link I include with this post is to an article from the Associated Press about the Republican contention that illegal immigrants are taking jobs from minorities. I do not think this warrants an actual article, as journalism at its best would not just report whatever is being said, but look further into the matter. The question that pops right off the page at me, that has flashing lights and sirens, 3-D effects and clobbers all of my senses is this: WHO IS HIRING THESE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

If American businesses hired only legal residents (or those possessing work permits/visas), would this be an issue? There would be no illegal immigration if jobs could not be found. It is Americans who are offering jobs to illegal immigrants rather than hiring citizens or immigrants with permits or visas.

I know that there are a few cases where illegal immigrants actually possess false papers and stolen social security numbers and "trick" the employment offices of various companies. (Although the prevalence of even this practice is suspect with investigative journalism often finding out that someone in connection with the hiring company is often involved in the procurement of these false documents and identities.) There are certainly those who arrive with papers prior to crossing the border, or who have them waiting upon crossing. I'd really like to know the numbers on this practice compared to the numbers for actual illegals working with no papers. And, I don't buy the stories of people hiring nannies and housekeepers without background investigations a little deeper than someone providing a copy of a Social Security card or license. Would you let someone who did not speak the same language as you, who you hired not through an agency, but who showed up at your door after you placed an advertisement, live in your home or care for your children without a pretty thorough and exhaustive background check?

So, those false-papered illegal immigrants aside, what about the rest of the illegal immigrants? How are they getting jobs, or, rather, as the Republicans put it, taking jobs from minorities (their term, not mine)? Oh, yes! AMERICANS are hiring them. Why aren't the Republicans admonishing those who hire people without papers or who do not perform due diligence in the processing of paperwork so that it would prove false or suspect? Why isn't the journalist asking this question?

I guess that is why there's the Village Adroit...

So, I'm asking! Do you believe that illegal immigrants are taking American jobs? Do you believe they're taking those jobs from minorities, specifically? Who is ultimately at fault, the illegal immigrant for being here or the companies/individuals who hire illegal immigrants? Do you believe that all the people in the United States, "minority status" or "majority status" would have jobs if it weren't for illegal immigrants?

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