Saturday, January 8, 2011

In the Midst of It All

So far, I've been praised for my lofty goals. Thanks for that--those who have posted here and emailed me otherwise. It gives me encouragement even though this first week of the year has proven a bit challenging.

Yes. That is the word I'll use.

My week has been crappy. I was "on vacation" from my jobs for the week through January 2nd. All went well then. Upon my return to work, I began the new year trying to meet everyone's needs. One of my jobs pays very well for my time spent, so I tend to give that one scheduling priority. That said, when I move things to do things for that job, the other jobs get mashed up. One of them I do from home, which is GREAT, except that there are really only twenty-four hours in a day. At almost forty, you'd think I might have figured that out. Apparently, I have not. I think I need to add to my goals for this year...or, maybe replace one or two with these: be present and repeat like a mantra, "there are only twenty-four hours in a day and you cannot work, study, exercise, and accomplish things for all twenty-four since several are needed (did you hear that self?) NEEDED for sleep."

I offer this tidbit because while I posted my list and started this blog to inspire others as well as myself, I want to let others (and especially myself) know that I am human.

As I reflect on this first week of the month and all my mess ups, loss of sleep, worry and stress, I have still accomplished work toward my goals. While I recover this weekend and fix some of my mistakes, I need to remember to pat myself on the back for the following: reading more in Susan Faludi's Backlash, stopping myself from "just entering data" for the PTSO just because I picked up forms and the spreadsheet didn't get transferred to the new secretary of the organization yet, making plans to create artist trading cards with a friend next weekend, enjoying some family time last night playing Pinball FX2 on xbox, reviewing a Spanish phrases book I have and not gaining any weight despite my lack of sleep, not-so-great eating habits and total lack of exercise other than last weekend.

I am grateful for the jobs I have as they allow me to be creative, to use the skills I have that I like to use and to work around my family's needs. As I struggle to fit it all in this week, I remember how fortunate I am to have my employment. While I know I'm complaining a bit, I also have to say that I work for and with FABULOUS people, so it's amazing to be able to say that as I think of all the really awful bosses I've had in the past. Right now, that is all in the past, which feels terrific!

In the midst of it all, the "life" stuff that usually veers us off the path of our goals, I stayed the course--with a few detours. I took the scenic route, albeit "scenic" as the Korengal Valley*** (IEDs in my path and all) rather than scenic like a drive along the back roads of Vermont in the fall.

***(In all respect to those who serve in our armed forces, I make no claims that one hour of my life is as tough as a second on the ground in a war zone.)

1 comment:

  1. You're speaking my language (not Spanish), sistah! Keep on keeping on! :)
